Archive for May, 2017

(222) Blinded By Science

“Science is a pair of glasses with which I perceive the world, and there are flaws, yes.  The scientific method doesn’t leave a lot of room for eureka moments,” she took a brief pause to enjoy the phrasing, then continued. “I don’t think it’s too much to ask for potential replication in my results, given my methodology. That’s the only way one can share a spell, is like if it is a recipe,” Eve said. “Shared cultural resonances are their own faith, yes, but what if you could test it? I wear a hematite ring. If it suddenly splits, is that a flaw in the stone, or did it reflect a negativity aimed my way? When that computer fails, there are so many measurements that can be taken – temperature, moisture, electrical fluctuations, maybe even baby spiders on the motherboard.” She shrugged. “But I honestly believe the only thing keeping magic from being science is having the right tools to measure it.”

“So we’ll get a magic-o-meter, and suddenly every scientist’s a wizard?” I asked. It probably sounded a lot more sarcastic than I meant it, and she frowned.

“Maybe,” she gave a half-shrug. “I’m full,” she said, pulling at Roberto’s sleeve and not looking at me.

“No more pudding,” he told her. He called over the waiter for the bill.

“Look, I am not going to say anything foolish like, ‘I’ve got to do this thing alone,'” I said. “Trust me, I’m not going anywhere near something like this without a team.”

“You have one of those?” Eve asked.

“Yep.  It’s you and me, kid, and Roberto here, and who knows, maybe I can talk some other foolish mortals into it.” I didn’t need to gesture towards Rayya, but I was aware of her. “Or immortals,” I added, with a chuckle.

“Good,” she said, seriously.  “just don’t forget to put up the bat signal when you need it.”

“Bat signal?” I asked, pulling out my wallet to pay for lunch.

“My digits.  Flare your aura my way. Send a courier. I don’t care how you do it, just make sure you don’t get distracted or kidnapped and forget us.”

I signed the slip and sighed. “If I say anything now, I’ve jinxed it,” I pointed out.

She chuckled. “I guess there’s that.”  She gave me a fist bump, and then she and Roberto checked out.

I dawdled a little, letting Rayya join up with me. “So, what do you think?” I asked, once we were in the car.

“It is not my place to opine,” she said.  I think she heard her my internal aggravation, because she continued.  “Much was said. What in particular would you know?”

I shrugged. “In general?”

“What you call science is a key, as is magic.  The problem is, as you keep unlocking the doors, when do you learn more than you can handle?”

“You’re a beacon of light and hope, or at least you’re on the same road I’m on. You don’t have to open every lock, and you don’t have to press every button.”

She was quiet.

“Is silence disagreement?” I asked, grinning.

“In this case, yes. I think so,” she said after a moment. “I think we are meant to develop in this world. Man, fey, even Dragon,” she shrugged. “Different means to an end, but lessons nevertheless.”

“Buddhism?” I asked.

“Something like, maybe.”

“Have I asked you before what the fey believe in?”

She smiled. “It’s a silly question. What do humans believe in?”

“Point, yes. Just you and your brother, whatever you guys are,” I said.

“Your bodyguards,” she responded. “We are supposed to believe in keeping you safe.”

“From demons?” I asked, and yeah, it was a little petulant.

“Do you have free will? Agency? Can we keep you from a foolish path?” She scoffed a little, I think.

“Well,” I said, and I didn’t really have much to add.  I considered a few responses, but I think she scored another point. I made a note to myself that I needed to be less tired from dealing with my sister when verbally jousting with professionals.  I knew I would forget, but it was good to try remembering that than my failure.

I tried to parse the information Roberto and Eve had given me, much of which was just hanging out. I still felt Roberto was a little intense, but I enjoyed a little talking shop.  I still had a lot of questions for Eve, but I liked the idea at least as a philosophy of science witches. I put a pointy hat, a white lab coat, and a set of safety glasses on her mentally, and then giggled. To myself, because Rayya was still beside me as I walked in the door and she would have had questions about my mental stability.

Okay, that made me laugh out loud.  But, as inscrutable fey go, she just raised an eyebrow and let my laughter happen without comment. After all, I was one of those weird mortals. We probably did lots of things that made no sense.  Or made fey go blind, science notwithstanding.  I mean, someone had to grow hair on their palms.  Or, rather, no one has to, I guess, but we could test for it.  Because science.

I may have lived with the two of them, and shared many a meal and a weird laugh together, but I didn’t feel comfortable asking either of them about their masturbatory habits. Some things were better left to the– I cut the thought off. Maybe not left to the imagination.  I didn’t think of them as sexual beings.  I never even wondered what Rayya looked like under the white robes she wore.

She did laundry, I mean, although she didn’t seem like the kind of elf who fixed shoes. We all did laundry. We had a little chart as to who did the folding, too.  They both did the same trick Doloise did, in weaving glamours based off of existing items to clothe themselves.  Nen did once show me that they could craft outfits out of creatures, in this case a Miller moth. I will have nightmares about that for years.

(221) The Demons In Our Heads

“So the devil is in the details?” I joked.

He nodded, looking serious. “Heroes are quick to sacrifice themselves for others. So when the demon looks into you and says, `You will make a deal with me, or we shall make your sister’s skin do terrible things?’ Responsible people do the responsible things.”

“Yeah, the lone hero conundrum. ‘I can’t make connections with people that can be used as hostages against me, so I need to be so chill and cold that no one will be my weakness.’  I do read comics, you know.”  And not just Spider-Man.

“But what about the strength such connections provide?” Eve asked. “I am stronger with my friends.  I am more capable with my friends.  I am their fury, I am their patience.”

“Who let you in the conversation?” I teased her.

“No, it is important,” Roberto responded. “The implication is that your friends are somehow less capable than you. The proper answer may be, ‘Try. My sister will make you suffer in ways I can not even imagine.’  But then it gets more difficult.  It is your friend’s child, or an innocent, and this time they do not ask, they take.  And it is one life, and a second, and you are paralyzed because you are responsible. Is the person the demon has taken innocent? Did they take on the demon as you must to save someone in their life? Is there another choice?  Will killing the host kill the parasite?”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” I put my hands up “No one is talking about killing people. That’s… murder.  And I’m not even involved in this discussion because I’m not an accomplice or an accessory.”

Roberto just looked at me. “That is why we have you.”

“To kill people? What? Just because some people used to call me Doc does not make me an evil assassinating supervillain.  I mean, I know the rules of naming but that’s just a nickname.  You’ve got the wrong person.”

“No, you are the missing ingredient. You and all of the other guardians of the gates. You control what comes through, and you can send it back.”

I paused. “I guess the -cubi are generally considered demons.” I shook my head. “But this one’s different.”

“How? Demon is thing that wants to come in, you send it kicking back. Host gets life back, if with a lot of therapy,” Eve said, as if washing her hands of it.

“Not so simple.  First, we don’t know about the host. That therapy stuff isn’t kidding. How much is keeping them alive contributing to their pain? I mean…” I fumbled for a moment, “It’s awful. It’s violating. The -cubi want fun for a night, and they leave so much assault in their path… but survivors are a thing… I don’t know. It’s not something I can quickly rock a quip off and pass over.  If Roberto here says what demons do are worse, I can’t imagine living like that.”

Eve looked at me seriously for a moment. “You lost a year of your life.”

“I can’t even tell you how angry that makes me,” I said, after a moment. “I can’t even confront it. It’s … so many little things.  Little changes in slang, cultural touchstones, movies and shows I missed, political events… ” I shook my head. “But while yes, my place here was stolen, my… integrity was maintained.  I wasn’t molested or abused, my body wasn’t made to hurt anyone. I had agency. Yes, any theft is awful, but I can get acclimated pretty quickly with the internet.  I can’t say there are no support groups for the possessed, but I kind of doubt it.”

Roberto offered a tidbit.  “There are now over 50 exorcists in the United States, up from about a dozen.  At least, in the Catholic Church. I don’t know the numbers for other faiths, but I expect they’re increasing as well.”

“Oh, I’m sure you’re fun at parties,” I teased. “No, maybe it’s not just trivia.  The… person in my line of work who gave me this task suggested there was a reason the three of us I know here had congregated in the area.”

“Gave you or geas’d you?” Eve asked.

“Gave. At least, I don’t feel compelled.  Except to do what is right,” I admitted, “I mean, that sounds really dumb to say it aloud.”

“You were always a gamer,” she sighed. “Yeah, it sounds dumb and noble and white knight-ish.  You sure it isn’t because she’s a girl?”

“Um,” I considered it. “No. I wasn’t really attracted to her. It was weird with Zach at first, but…”

She raised an eyebrow.

“Not like that. Nevermind, just, it’s a magic thing.  I’m still cishet and okay with it.  My white male guilt switch is on, and I regret the word dumb, and while I’ve seen some sexy ice skaters, I’m just not interested in other penises.  Penii?  Penipodes?”

“Stop.  Just stop there,” Eve shook her head.  She looked at Roberto who very carefully had stayed quiet and out of the conversation, then nodded and continued. “So you’re doing it because…”

“Because I felt it. And it was evil,” I said. “Is that even worse to say out loud? I kind of…” I shrugged. “I need to do it. I can.  I have the power and the responsibility.”

“I always took issue with that phrase,” Eve said. “I mean if Absolute Knowledge is Absolute Power, knowledge is evil, and that goes back to biblically epic amounts of anti-science, if I may say so.”

“You speak of science with similar worship, though,” Roberto said in that tone that I recognized as a fellow man who has relationships.  It was that, “I know this is going to cause an argument but as much as I tried I can’t let it go,” tone.  I backed up out of spoon range.  “The scientific method is flawed when it comes to the immeasurable.”

“Like when your computer stops working for absolutely no reason, or when your IT person walks into the room the thing you’ve been trying a thousand times suddenly works the thousand-and-first,” I tried, helpfully.